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Latypova E.

Some Aspects of Criminal Liability for Personal Privacy Infringement

Keywords: personal privacy, private life, personal data, personal honour and dignity

The article examines the issue of criminal liability for crimes against personal privacy. It specifies that the provisions on inadmissibility of disseminating information about the private life of an individual without his or her explicit consent have a system-forming, fundamental nature, which is reflected in constitutional entrenchment of this right. It is noted that certain aspects of private life may be under state prohibition to the extent that they represent danger to society and the state. The author analyzes the concept of private life as well as double understanding of private life both as domestic existence of an individual and his family, and a certain segment of individual interpersonal relationships. Individual specific issues related to protecting privacy are studied; a steady increase in the number of such deeds is noted. Some problems encountered in implementing the right to privacy are identified. The author establishes the levels of information constituting personal information that can identify a specific individual to whom the information relates (nominative data) and information of a general nature, relevant to the given subject (non- nominative data). The purpose of the study is to identify prerequisites and to establish trends in forming the group of infringement on privacy. On the basis of the research the author came to the conclusion that respecting human rights and freedoms, particularly with regard to inviolability of his/her private life is a multi-layered issue affecting a whole range of relationships of an individual, the society and the state. The author offers some directions in solving the identified problems, inter alia, through implementing solutions of foreign legislation.


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About authors

Latypova Elvira Yu.
Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Criminal Law and Procedure Department, Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEML), Russia, Kazan (; ORCID:

Article link

Latypova E. Some Aspects of Criminal Liability for Personal Privacy Infringement [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2019. – №2. P. 35-45. – URL: