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Dambaeva Natal’ya P.

Cross-Border Cluster as the Basis for the Development of Border Regions

Keywords: border region, cross-border cluster, economic development, international cooperation, globalization

Taking into account the specific location of border regions against the background of a globalizing world, it should be noted that they become important links in any international region that is conditionally or officially formed by states that are concentrated close to each other. Their importance is especially evident in the process of creating cross-border clusters in the territories of neighboring countries near the borders. Thus, the geographical position of these subjects at the borders of states determines their role as the first participant in implementing the international partnership of this kind, since it is through the countries' border regions that a fundamentally important basis for close cooperation between the states - members of this conditional or official states' association arises. The relevance of the research topic is supported by the fact that currently most of the Russian border regions belong to the category of problem regions. In this regard, these entities need to intensify the development of measures or enhance the approaches to improving their economic situation. Being in close proximity to a neighboring country, the frontier region has the opportunity to create a promising cross-border cluster in the region lying on the border, which is implemented jointly with a neighboring state and meets the mutually beneficial interests of both parties participating in such an international project. Using the analytical method of research, the goal of determining some of the theoretical foundations of this problem was achieved. The authors note a high importance of border regions in international cooperation, highlight the benefits of the cluster concept in relation to their economic development, identify the value of creating a cross-border cluster in the context of understanding its nature in contrast to the nature of transnational clusters.


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About authors

Dambaeva Natal’ya P.
Post-Graduate Student, Department of Economic Theory, World Economy, State and Municipal Administration, East Siberia State University of Technology and Management, Russia, Ulan-Ude (; )

Article link

Dambaeva Natal’ya P. Cross-Border Cluster as the Basis for the Development of Border Regions [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2020. – №1. P. 1-8. – URL: