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Aleksandrova N.

Emergence of collisions in International Private Law Doctrine

Keywords: conflict, conflict rule, foreign element, substantive rules, collision, legal system, foreign state, international private law

The modern stage of scientific research is linked with the increasing importance of doctrinal aspect. This article is devoted to the study of conflict rules in the science of international private law. The author proves the legal relationship of the substantive-and-legal rules with conflict-and-legal method of regulating relations in the presence of a foreign element, as well as substantiates her position according to which conflicts make the basis and the doctrine of private international law. The article provides the most relevant points of view on the study of the legal nature of conflict rules in private law doctrine.


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About authors

Aleksandrova Nadezhda V.
Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor of Civil and Legal Disciplines Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Aleksandrova N. Emergence of collisions in International Private Law Doctrine [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2015. – №1. P. 58-63. – URL: