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Ryabinina E., Ivanova N.

Directions promotion of tourist services in the market of the Chuvash Republic

Keywords: tourism, region, Volga Federal District, tourist and recreational complex, state support, competitive analysis

A research aim is an exposure of basic directions of advancement of tourist industry of Chuvash Republic. To the methods of research behaves: capture actual data, providing authenticity of conclusions, theoretical and quantitative treatment of the got results is a construction of tables, diagrams, quality analysis and synthesis, data obtained during research, interpretation of data and formulation of conclusions. Research results it is been: exposure basic directions of development of tourist industry of Chuvash Republic, defects and advantages of her development. The scientific novelty of research consists in the exposure of factors reflecting the modern political and economic state of Russia, being fundamental for development of internal regional tourism. Practical meaningfulness undertaken a study is in that offer authors conclusions and recommendations are intended for application in the practical worker of management the tourist-recreational complex of Chuvash Republic.


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About authors

Ryabinina Elina
candidate of economics, economics faculty dean, finance, credit and economic security department head, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Ivanova Nina
management and marketing department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Ryabinina E., Ivanova N. Directions promotion of tourist services in the market of the Chuvash Republic [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2015. – №2. P. 21-26. – URL: