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O. Filippova, Z. Filippov

The importance of small and medium enterprisein the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation «Economic development and innovation-driven economy»

Keywords: small and medium enterprise, the state program, the path of innovative development, the searching for innovative solutions, economic development, subsidies, concessional lending

The purpose of this research is to provide the the economic sustainability of small and medium enterprise through the mechanism of state support. In the current economic conditions, a top priority is to create a system that includes federal and regional level. An important point in this system – is constant interaction between regional and federal structures and synchronous implementation of the decisions taken in the area of support and development of small and medium enterprise. At the federal level was formed a multi-channel system of financial support for small and medium enterprise, key elements of which is the state program «Economic development and innovation-driven economy». As part of programme facilities are distributed among regions for the activities of the regional enterprise support programs by co-payment of expenses purposefully and on a competitive basis. This approach allows to attract funding of regions in addition to the federal budget and encourage regions to adopt new, more effective programs of support and development of small business. In order to solve this problem since 2016 in the provision and distribution of subsidies from the federal budget to support small and medium enterprises in the regions of the Russian Federation in the framework of the support program, implemented by the Economic Development Ministry of Russia has been used a new approach, focused on the accounting of the potential for development of small and medium-sized enterprises and also strengthening financial discipline and responsibility of the authorities of the Russian Federation. This article summarizes the results of the measures of state support of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as formulating proposals for «reformatting» of business support systems, taking into account the current economic situation and the main directions of state policy.


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About authors

Filippov Zakhar
financial markets and banks department IV year student, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Russia, Moscow (; )
Filippova Olga
candidate in economics, quality and competitiveness management department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

O. Filippova, Z. Filippov The importance of small and medium enterprisein the implementation of the state program of the Russian Federation «Economic development and innovation-driven economy» [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2016. – №4. P. 24-34. – URL: