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Kurenkov D.

Credit market of the Chuvash Republic and prospects of its development

Keywords: credit market, adaptation, a credit institution, assets, credit, debt arrears, growth

Current economic situation in the Chuvash Republic and its adaptation to the crisis are analyzed. The causes for reduction in the number of credit organizations in the region are established. The article determines the influence of innovative banking development through active introduction of client relations practice by all оmnichannel directions: Internet banking, ATMs, mobile apps, etc., as well as market "penetration" by credit services of numerous startups. The analysis of change in assets of credit institutions registered in the Chuvash Republic as a result of improved macroeconomic indicators of socio-economic development of the Chuvash Republic is performed.Surplus liquidity of credit institutions is defined, volumes of loans, deposits and other funds placed in rubles and foreign currency by credit institutions registered in the Chuvash Republic are analyzed as well. Reserves of loan growth in the region are revealed. The reasons for decrease in overdue arrears of loans, deposits and other funds placed by credit organizations are analyzed. The conditions and prospects of loan growth in the Chuvash Republic by category of loans are determined.


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About authors

Kurenkov Dmitry
candidate of economics, finance, credit and economic security department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Kurenkov D. Credit market of the Chuvash Republic and prospects of its development [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2017. – №3. P. 17-22. – URL: