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Markelov A., Ivanov D.

Peculiarities of commissioning and performing forensic fire investigation by inquiry bodies represented by National Fire Authorities of the Federal Fire Service

Keywords: the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, national fire authorities of the federal fire service, inquiry bodies, commissioning and performing judicial fire investigation

The article considers some actual in modern criminal proceedings in Russia problems of commissioning and performing judicial fire investigations by inquiry bodies represented by the state fire supervision of the federal fire service. At the same time, the indicated procedure was traditionally considered and presented by authors in a dynamic context, that is, not only from the position of statutory wording, but from the point of view of the accepted investigative and judicial practice as well. Based on critical analysis of current criminally-remedial law and existing investigative and judicial practice of national fire authorities of the federal fire service, specific proposals and tactical and methodological recommendations for improving the order of commissioning and performing judicial fire-technical investigation are formulated. The approaches suggested by the authors can be successfully applied by inquiry bodies, inquiry officers, investigators and other participants in criminal proceedings in order to optimize and improve the effectiveness of the proving process as well as they can be used in the process of further improving the existing criminal procedure legislation.


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About authors

Markelov Aleksandr
candidate of law, criminal law department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Ivanov Dmitry
low faculty undergraduate, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary )

Article link

Markelov A., Ivanov D. Peculiarities of commissioning and performing forensic fire investigation by inquiry bodies represented by National Fire Authorities of the Federal Fire Service [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2018. – №1. P. 54-60. – URL: