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Danilov I., Mikhailova S.

Society and regional problems of Russia’s industrial development: modern practice of comprehension

Keywords: region, industry, re-industrialization, problems and prospects of development, dialogue between society and government

Currently, in many developed countries, the importance of re-industrialization in economic systems is increasing. The presented work is a continuation of studying the theory and practice of reindustrialization aimed at improving the performance efficiency and competitiveness of the Russian economy. The article analyzes the problems and prospects of industry development in the regions of Russia through the prism of dialogue between society and government, which took place during the All-Russian industrial conference organized by the All-Russia People's Front in 2015. The ideological platform of the conference is characterized. The key issues in the sphere of investments in industrial production of Russian regions are considered. The estimates of the state of industrial enterprises’ fixed assets are summarized. Proposals made by representatives of professional communities to solve problems related to investments and fixed assets that affect reindustrialization process are systematized.


  1. Aktivisty ONF v Orenburzh’e obsudili problemy promyshlennogo razvitiya [The activists of the popular front in the Orenburg region discussed the problems of industrial development]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  2. Aktivisty ONF v Khakasii rassmotreli problemy promyshlennogo biznesa [The activists of the popular front in the Republic of Khakassia considered the problems of the industrial business]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  3. Aktivisty ONF Severnoi Osetii proanalizirovali promyshlennyi potentsial regiona [The activists of the popular front in North Ossetia reviewed industrial potential of the region]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  4. Arkhangel’skie aktivisty ONF na promyshlennoi konferentsii podnyali vopros o severnykh garantiyakh [At the industrial conference Archangelsk activists of the popular front raised the issue of Northern guarantees]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  5. Arkhangel’skie aktivisty ONF obsudili problemy regional’noi promyshlennoi politiki [Archangelsk activists of the popular front discussed problems of regional industrial policy]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  6. Astrakhanskie aktivisty ONF obsudili prioritety promyshlennoi politiki regiona [Astrakhan activists of the popular front discussed priorities of industrial policy of the region]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  7. Bekarev: Neobkhodimo povysit’ spros na kachestvennuyu otechestvennuyu produktsiyu [Bekarev: it is Necessary to increase the demand for quality domestic products]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  8. Bodrunov S.D., Borovkov A.V. Novoe industrial’noe razvitie i modernizatsiya proizvodstvennykh sistem rossiiskoi promyshlennosti [New industrial development and modernization of production systems of Russian industry]. Izvestiya Yugo-Zapadnogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Ekonomika. Sotsiologiya. Menedzhment [News of the Southwest state University. Series: Economy. Sociology. Management], 2017, 7, no. 4 (25), pp. 19–29.
  9. Bryanskie «frontoviki» ozvuchili na konferentsii ONF predlozheniya po razvitiyu promyshlennosti [Bryansk «veterans» announced at the conference the popular front proposals for the development of industry]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  10. V Moskve 8 iyunya proidet Vserossiiskaya promyshlennaya konferentsiya [All-Russian industrial conference to be held in Moscow on June 8]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  11. Vladimirskaya delegatsiya gotovitsya k uchastiyu v promyshlennoi konferentsii ONF [Vladimir delegation is preparing to participate in the industrial conference the popular front]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  12. Volkova G.Yu. Promyshlennost’ v sisteme mer po modernizatsii rossiiskoi ekonomiki [Industry in the system of measures to modernize the Russian economy]. Problemy rynochnoi ekonomiki [The problems of a market economy], 2017, no. 3, pp. 25–29.
  13. Vologodskie aktivisty Narodnogo fronta obsudili razvitie malogo biznesa v regione [Vologda Popular front activists discussed the development of small business in the region]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  14. Ivanovskii shtab ONF gotovit predlozheniya k Vserossiiskoi promyshlennoi konferentsii [Ivanovo headquarters of the popular front is preparing a proposal to the national industrial conference]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  15. Kemerovskii shtab ONF predlozhil puti modernizatsii ekonomiki regiona [Kemerovo headquarters of the popular front suggested that the modernization of the economy of the region]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  16. Kostromskoi shtab ONF podgotovil predlozheniya k Vserossiiskoi promyshlennoi konferentsii [Kostroma headquarters of the popular front has prepared proposals to the national industrial conference]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  17. Krasnodarskii shtab ONF oznakomilsya s problemami razvitiya biznesa [Krasnodar headquarters of the popular front became familiar with the problems of business development]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  18. Kurganskaya delegatsiya ozvuchit na konferentsii ONF problemy zaural’skoi promyshlennosti [At the conference the popular front Kurgan delegation will announce problems of the TRANS-Ural industry]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  19. Kurganskie aktivisty ONF prinyali uchastie v rabote Vserossiiskoi promyshlennoi konferentsii [Kurgan activists of the popular front took part in the all-Russian industrial conference]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  20. Lastochkin: Bol’shoi promyshlennyi gigant mozhet dat’ zhizn’ malomu biznesu [Lastochkin: Big industrial giant can give life to small business]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  21. Mazunin: Neobkhodimo informirovat’ predprinimatelei o programmakh gospodderzhki [Mazunin: it is Necessary to inform entrepreneurs about the state support programs]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  22. Na Promyshlennoi konferentsii ONF obsuzhdalsya vopros istochnikov finansirovaniya dlya real’nogo sektora ekonomiki [At the Industrial conference of the popular front discussed the issue of funding sources for the real sector of the economy]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  23. Narodnyi front v Buryatii obsudil perspektivy razvitiya promyshlennosti v regione [The popular front in Buryatia discussed the prospects of industry development in the region]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  24. Narodnyi front v Podmoskov’e podgotovilsya k promyshlennoi konferentsii [The popular front in Moscow suburbs prepared for the industrial conference]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  25. Narodnyi front v Chelyabinskoi oblasti rassmotrel problemy regional’noi promyshlennosti [The popular front in the Chelyabinsk region considered the problems of regional industry]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  26. Narodnyi front obsudil s biznes-soobshchestvom perspektivy razvitiya promyshlennosti v EAO [The popular front discussed with the business community the prospects for the development of industry in the Jewish Autonomous region]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  27. Nizhegorodskie aktivisty ONF vystupili za razvitie oblastnykh programm importozameshcheniya [Nizhny Novgorod activists of the popular front has supported the development of regional programs of import substitution]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  28. Nizhegorodskii shtab ONF sformuliroval rekomendatsii po razvitiyu real’nogo sektora ekonomiki [Nizhny Novgorod headquarters of the popular front made recommendations for the development of the real sector of the economy]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  29. Novosibirskie aktivisty ONF podgotovili predlozheniya po razvitiyu promyshlennosti [Novosibirsk activists of the popular front have prepared proposals for the development of industry]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  30. Omskie «frontoviki» na konferentsii ONF rasskazali o problemakh regional’nogo biznesa gospodderzhki [Omsk «veterans» at the conference the popular front talked about the problems of regional business of state support]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  31. ONF v Leningradskoi oblasti: Uspekh malogo biznesa zavisit ot kooperatsii s krupnymi kompaniyami [The popular front in the Leningrad region: the Success of small business depends on cooperation with large companies]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  32. ONF v Permskom krae: Proizvoditel’nost’ truda – glavnyi faktor rosta ekonomiki [The popular front in the Perm region: labor Productivity – the main factor of economic growth]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  33. ONF v Tatarstane obsudil problemy regional’noi promyshlennosti [The popular front in Tatarstan discussed problems of regional industry]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  34. Smolenskie aktivisty ONF obsudili problemy razvitiya promyshlennosti i puti ikh resheniya [Smolensk activists of the popular front discussed the problems of industry development and ways to solve them]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).
  35. Uchastniki Promyshlennoi konferentsii ONF obsudili strategiyu novoi modernizatsii Rossii [Participants of the Industrial conference the popular front discussed the strategy of the new modernization of Russia]. Available at: (Accessed 23 March 2018).

About authors

Danilov Ivan P.
Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Department of State and Municipal Management and Regional Economy, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:
Mikhaylova Svetlana Yu.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Department of Document Science, Information Resources and Auxiliary Historical Disciplines, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Danilov I., Mikhailova S. Society and regional problems of Russia’s industrial development: modern practice of comprehension [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2018. – №3. P. 1-11. – URL: