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Papenov K., Nikonorov S.

Small cities of Russia in the system «historical heritage – socio-ecological and economic condition – concepts of sustainable development»

Keywords: ecological situation; environmental problems of cities; history of urban development; ecological situation in small towns; dynamics of the population structure; socio-environmental and economic positives and negatives of urban growth; rule of demographic saturation; inadequacy of "hard" management of nature management; concept of sustainable development of small towns

The Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2013–2014 conducted a comprehensive study of the socio-political situation in small and medium-sized cities of Russia: on the basis of analysis, they received a disappointing picture in terms of the quality of life in small Russian cities. It is noted that the situation is characterized as contradictory, which is partly due to a certain decrease in the quality of life of a significant part of the population of small Russian cities, especially in science cities and closed cities, "caught" on the periphery of state interests with life-threatening negative consequences". Unfortunately, this small group of cities can include small cities with other functional features in a single socio-ecological and economic system: cities with a rich historical architectural and cultural heritage in the past, monocities, cities in which branches of enterprises from large cities were located, military-industrial complex and others. In addition to socio-economic problems such as: the contradictions between local authorities and old-timers of small towns in the field of construction; political superstructure, lobbying exclusively the interests of representatives of big capital and ordinary mortal people of retirement age who do not see any prospects for themselves, as well as skilled workers and "new owners of life", a serious problem remains "the elimination of old environmental debts" – time bombs. In history more than once, especially significant natural disasters led to the death of individual civilizations. Nature is a necessary prerequisite for the emergence and existence of man and society; the most important condition for human activity; factor of man's spiritual development. Natural factors form specific features of the mentality and way of life of different peoples and thus generate different in nature cultures. It is the ecological problems of small towns that are the object of the study of this work.


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About authors

Papenov Konstantin
doctor of economics, environmental economics department professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, Moscow (; )
Nikonorov Sergey
doctor of economics, environmental economics department professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, Moscow (; )

Article link

Papenov K., Nikonorov S. Small cities of Russia in the system «historical heritage – socio-ecological and economic condition – concepts of sustainable development» [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2018. – №3. P. 12-29. – URL: