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Belianichev V., Savderova A.

Assessment of the impact of real fixed capital formation on the volume of the gross regional product

Keywords: investments, investment activities, gross regional product, regions of the Volga Federal District, capital investments, index of the physical volume of investments into fixed capital, investments into fixed capital per capita, grouping, median value, dispersion, strength of relationship

The purpose of article is the attempt to quantitatively measure the dependence between the results of economic activity and the amounts of investments into the fixed capital at the regional level. For this purpose the influence of investments volume into the fixed capital on the size of the gross regional product is assessed on the basis of data on the Volga Federal District for 2017. Differences between regions in the range of their economic activity caused the necessity to use the indicators mentioned as of per capita. The relevance of the research of this kind is stipulated by the fact that intensification in investing into real economy is the most important factor of economic growth. Using the methods of statistical grouping, dispersive and correlation and regression analysis indicators of relationship strength and constraint between the volume of investments into the fixed capital per capita and the gross regional product in average per capita calculation are calculated. The analysis carried out made it possible to establish high strength of relationship between the indicators under study which is testified by the values of determination and correlation coefficients. It makes possible to determine the necessary level of investments into the fixed capital at the set volume of the gross regional product that can be of practical interest when forecasting the growth of generalizing indicators of economic development at the regional level. The article names possible directions for intensifying investment activities which, in the authors’ opinion, will promote growth in the volume of investments into the real sector of economy.


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About authors

Belyanichev Vladimir
candidate of economics, finance, credit and economic security department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Savderova Alina
candidate of economics, finance, credit and economic security department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Belianichev V., Savderova A. Assessment of the impact of real fixed capital formation on the volume of the gross regional product [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2019. – №1. P. 15-21. – URL: