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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2020-2-24-30

Panferova L.V., Romanova D.I.

Government Support for Small Business as a Priority Objective

Keywords: small business, state, forms of support, a National project, entrepreneurship, taxation

Support and development of small business is currently one of the priority areas in the Russian economy. Thanks to small businesses, the country creates necessary conditions for pricing, expands the product range, provides freedom of business, as well as creates new workplaces for the population of the country. This means that without small business, the country's economy cannot develop favorably. This article aims to examine the role of small business in modern economic conditions, to analyze the main trends in its development, using the experience of foreign countries, as well as to identify internal and external factors that negatively affect small business. This article focuses on measures of government support for small business. These include grants and subsidies, preferential crediting rates, free consultations and training, special conditions for renting land and premises, and many others. All these forms of support significantly help small businesses to improve their position in the country's economy. The article also discusses one of important projects of the state, which is aimed at supporting small and medium-sized businesses and individual business initiatives. The article defines its main goals and objectives, as well as the activities that are carried out within the framework of this project. The national project is aimed at comprehensive support for small businesses. It is designed in such a way as to provide proper support to entrepreneurs at every stage in the life of a small and medium-sized business entity. This study shows the need for government support for small businesses.


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About authors

Panferova Liya V.
Candidature of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting Record, Analysis and Audit, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Romanova Darina I.
Master’s Program Student of the Department of Accounting and Electronic Business, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Panferova L.V., Romanova D.I. Government Support for Small Business as a Priority Objective [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2020. – №2. P. 24-30. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2020-2-24-30.