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Prokopev Aleksandr V., Ivanova Tatyana V.

Issues of Agriculture Innovative Development in the Chuvash Republic

Keywords: agriculture, innovations, innovative development, state support, the Chuvash Republic

The article deals with the issues of agriculture innovative development in the Chuvash Republic. Innovation is inherent in any sector of the economy, but in agriculture, the development of innovative processes has its own specifics, which directly affects the quality and the speed of innovation implementation. The authors analyzed the state of the agricultural sector in the Chuvash Republic, which showed that, despite the positive dynamics of the main production, there are certain problems in innovations development of in agriculture. Foreign experience shows that certain conditions are necessary for innovative development of agriculture. Today, almost no economically developed country develops agriculture without state support, and in most countries this support has an indirect character. On the basis of innovative, agricultural and agri-food research centers supported by the state, business incubators, technology parks, business accelerators, etc. are created to produce high-quality products and to stimulate production processes. It is necessary to adopt the best foreign experience in solving problems of innovative development in agriculture, taking into account the Russian sector-specific issues. The main problems in agriculture have a protracted character. These include: inconformity of scientific-technical and innovation basis of agriculture to the demands of the modern market, unattractiveness of agriculture for domestic and foreign investors, a mismatch of equivalent exchange of agricultural products, low scientific and innovative training of agricultural workers, etc. According to the authors, the key problem in agriculture is inconsistency and fragmentation of the innovation process by various separate organizations, which results in the inhibition of innovation implementation. It is necessary to create a single transfer center, within which the entire innovative cycle of production will take place. This center will also enable monitoring of innovative projects, scientific support for the transfer of innovative technologies, programs for adaptation to stressful situations, marketing research and business plans, and other activities that improve the quality of output produced in agriculture.


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About authors

Prokopiev Aleksandr V.
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Management and Marketing Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:
Ivanova Tatiana V.
Candidate of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor, Management and Marketing Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Prokopev Aleksandr V., Ivanova Tatyana V. Issues of Agriculture Innovative Development in the Chuvash Republic [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2020. – №1. P. 34-45. – URL: