UDC: 336.143.21(470)
BBC: У261.33(2Рос)
Ryabinina E., Mitrofanovа M.
Improvement of balance mechanism of the federal budget of the Russian Federation
Keywords: Federal budget, budget revenues, budget deficit, sources of financing the budget deficit, oil and gas revenues, non-oil revenues, public debt, budget spending, budget balance, the reserve fund
The aim of the study is to identify the main directions for improving the mechanism of ensuring the balance of the Federal budget of the Russian Federation. The methods of research include: collection of factual information, ensuring reliability of findings, theoretical and numerical processing of results obtained – construction of tables, graphs, figures, economic and statistical analysis, interpretation of data and formulation of conclusions. The results of the research are the identification of key areas in ensuring the Federal budget balance. Scientific novelty of the research is in establishing factors affecting the revenues and expenses of the Federal budget as well as options to ensure the balance of the Federal budget. The practical significance of the research is that the authors offer directions for balancing the Federal budget which are intended for use in the practice of drafting the budget and its execution. Implementation of directions offered will enhance the effectiveness of fiscal policy, will ensure long-term sustainability and a balanced Federal budget that will positively influence the pace and quality of economic growth in the Russian Federation.
- Ofitsial’naya statistika. Finansy [Rules for the Citing of Sources]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru/ wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_main/rosstat/ru/statistics/finance/# (Accessed 05 October 2017).
- Byudzhetnaya politika Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Rules for the Citing of Sources ]. Available at: http: //www.minfin.ru/ru/perfomance/budget/policy/ (Accessed 05 October 2017).
About authors
- Mitrofanova Marina
- candidate of economics, finance, credit and economic security department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (marinamit_77@mail.ru; )
- Ryabinina Elina
- candidate of economics, economics faculty dean, finance, credit and economic security department head, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (ryabinina-en@yandex.ru; )
Article link
Ryabinina E., Mitrofanovа M. Improvement of balance mechanism of the federal budget of the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2017. – №4. P. 96-103. – URL: https://oecomia-et-jus.ru/en/single/2017/4/15/.