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Ishmaeva Т., Volodinа К.

The activities of internal affairs bodies for suicides prevention among minors

Keywords: the prevention of suicide, the minors, internal affairs bodies, antisocial actions

Suicidal conditions in minors differ from suicidal behavior in adults: 90% of suicides among minors are a “cry for help” and only in 10% it is a true desire to commit suicide. The frequency of completed suicidal attempts in contrast to attempts to commit suicide is correlated as 1:50. These figures confirm the need for timely identification of pre-suicidal behavior among the minors, who need qualified help from psychologists, educators and other specialists. In addition, nowadays, the problem of suicide prevention has become considerably more acute among the minors due to active development of «death groups» in social networks, which have a great impact on them resulting in sad consequences. Law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation are actively fighting against the enemy, trying to destroy the country’s population "from the inside", but it is necessary to develop a common approach to work in this direction, which would be really effective, and, most of all, well-timed. Prevention of suicidal behavior among adolescents includes working with the minors and their families who are in a socially unfavorable situation. One of the main state bodies performing work in the specified direction, are juvenile control divisions whose duties include, inter alia, prevention of suicidal behaviour. The future of the country depends on effectiveness of preventive work performed by internal affairs bodies as well as legislative bodies.


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About authors

Volodina Kseniya
student, Chelyabinsk State University, Russia, Chelyabinsk (; )
Ishmaeva Tatiana
prosecutorial supervision and law enforcement organization department senior lecturer, Chelyabinsk State University, Russia, Chelyabinsk (; )

Article link

Ishmaeva Т., Volodinа К. The activities of internal affairs bodies for suicides prevention among minors [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2018. – №2. P. 40-48. – URL: