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Rudenko S., Repina O.

Human capital assets: sectoral approach

Keywords: human capital assets, a person in the productive power of a society, elements of human capital, political science, sociology, economics, cultural studies, psychology, biology, education science, religion, political studies, ecology

The conception that a man is both a producer and a consumer of material goods has historically developed. Therefore, the role played by him in the productive power of a society has always been the subject of research for scientists at different stages of human development. The result of many-centuries studying this issue was developing the concept of "human capital assets", which is a multifaceted concept and is examined from the perspective of different sectoral sciences. The undertaken study is an initial step in assessing the level of human capital development, as well as studying its influence on the country's economic growth, increase in its competitiveness and defensive potential. The aim of this study is a comprehensive analysis of various approaches to the content of "human capital" category available in the world theory and practice. In accordance with the study purpose, its goals are defined: to study the historical aspect in the development of scientists’ and researchers’ views on the essence of "human capital" category and its role in the productive forces of a society; to reveal the core in the definition of "human capital" category as an object of study for different branches of science; to identify the main elements that make up the essence of "human capital" category at the sectorial level. Currently, studies in the field of human capital assets become increasingly relevant, both in Russian and in the world theory and practice. However, in the scientific literature there is no consensus on what human capital assets is, what its structure is, which elements should be objectively included in its structure. The analysis of approaches to the definition of "human capital assets" category shows that this is a complex concept which is due to multifacetedness and multidimensionality of a human as a carrier, a reproducer and a source of this capital. Therefore, it is possible to reveal the essence of human capital, to specify the factors shaping it, to structure and to divide its components in elements only in the synthesis of existing approaches in various sciences. The study showed that further development of the human capital theory is possible at the intersection of different sectoral sciences.


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About authors

Rudenko Svetlana
candidate of economics, management and business department associate professor, Volga State University of Technology, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola (; )
Repina Olga
candidate of economics, management and business department associate professor, Volga State University of Technology, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola (; )

Article link

Rudenko S., Repina O. Human capital assets: sectoral approach [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2019. – №1. P. 22-34. – URL: