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Musina R.

Revisiting development of criminal liability for crimes against property in the Russian legislation

Keywords: criminal law, the interests of owners, the concept of a theft, lucrative motives, a retrospective analysis, criminal punishment, differential of the acts, ancient Russian law

As part of writing this article, the author made a retrospective analysis of social and criminal-legal assessment of crimes against property as well as studied general and specific patterns in commencement and development of criminal punishment institute established by the domestic legislation for impingement on social relations that developed about the right of ownership. The study analyzes the main normative-legal acts establishing criminal liability for crimes against property in different historical periods. The place of individual crimes concerning impingement on property in the structure of property crimes is established. The author's interpretation of the concept of a theft is presented and its main features are analyzed. The characteristics on the basis of which a reliable delineation of prohibited and illegal acts causing harm to owners’ interests are identified and explained as well as other evidence-based recommendations are formulated which are aimed at ensuring full cognition of the legal institute. The article lists items that cannot be recognized as objects of theft, and impingement on them forms separate essential elements of offence. The work defines basic events for preventing encroachment of property character, including measures of individual preventive maintenance against persons prone to commit abusive practices. Using scientifically substantiated recommendations formulated within the framework of this article to law enforcement agencies is intended to sufficiently ensure protectability of public relations that developed over property, to consolidate the provision on inevitability of punishment and to improve the mechanism for protecting the rights of persons and organizations from culpably committed socially dangerous acts prohibited by criminal law under threat of punishment.


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About authors

Musina Regina
criminal law and process department senior lecturer, Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEML), Russia, Kazan (; )

Article link

Musina R. Revisiting development of criminal liability for crimes against property in the Russian legislation [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2019. – №1. P. 64-72. – URL: