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Kupirova Ch., Kuzmin Yu.

Information Security as an Object of Cybercrime

Keywords: criminology, object of criminal encroachment, cyberspace, information security, cybercrime, computer crimes, information protection

The article analyses the concept of "cyberspace" as a virtual information space, simulated with the use of computer systems, storing some information that is distributed over global networks. It analyses the concept of "cybercrime" as a criminal act committed in the cyberspace, creating a range of problems to improve protective measures against illegal access to information in the global Internet, the use of information for the purpose of harming through the spread of various viral programs. The object of cybercrime is defined, which is very extensive and in addition to public relations includes both the right to information and the information itself not as an object, but as a phenomenon. The most important of these objects of cybercrime is information security, which is one of the important components of global security. The urgency of issues on organizing the processes of processing, storage, distribution and protection of information in global information and communication systems is substantiated. A special importance and necessity of close interaction between information security and economic and national security is emphasized. Information security includes protection of information networks, resources, software, intellectual property objects and other intangible assets, including property interests of participants in various legal relations. The relevance of protecting information security from cybercrime is due to the fact that today the growth of phenomena such as cybercrime and cyber terrorism is observed, certain types of information weapons are developed, using which global information wars can be waged against Russia, information-oriented states are aimed at encouraging "leakage of intelligence" and assets from our country, which is compounded by issues of preserving the state, commercial, official and personal secrets, as the low level of domestic information technology results in creating informational infrastructure of Russia on the basis of imported equipment and technologies.


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About authors

Kupirova Chulpan
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of Criminal Law Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Kuzmin Yury A.
Senior Lecturer of Criminal Law Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Kupirova Ch., Kuzmin Yu. Information Security as an Object of Cybercrime [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2019. – №4. P. 41-46. – URL: