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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2020-3-48-57

Kuzmin Yu.A.

Identity Theft (Criminological Aspect)

Keywords: crime, criminality, theft, fraud, personal data, methods for protecting personal data

The problem of illegal unlawful personal data obtaining is updated. The offence involves the “appropriation of identity” of another individual most commonly for the purpose of personal gain. Personal data that the perpetrator encroaches on may represent various kinds of information. The relevance of issues related to committing the most common methods of identity theft is substantiated. The urgency of the research is caused by the fact that identity theft is becoming an increasing problem around the world; criminals are in-venting more and more ways to obtain the information needed to steal personal data that they use for the purpose of committing different crimes. As a result of the perpetrators' use of personal data, the consequences for the victim can be very serious. The victim's stolen identity creates anonymity for criminals and terrorists and poses a threat to both the national security and for private individuals. The problem of preventing identity theft is to minimize the possibility of personal data stealing by lawbreakers, to prevent their illegal seizure. Here, it is important to remember elementary security and safety considerations. Various ways of preventing illegal unlawful seizure of personal data are analyzed.


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About authors

Kuzmin Yury A.
Senior Lecturer of Criminal Law Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Kuzmin Yu.A. Identity Theft (Criminological Aspect) [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2020. – №3. P. 48-57. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2020-3-48-57.