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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-2-99-109

Semelev V.N.

Preparatory Stage for the Investigation of Crimes in the Field of Circulation of Medicines and Medical Devices

Keywords: investigation, preparatory stage, crimes, supplies, trade, medicines, medical equipment, medical supplies, ensuring proper operation, criminal case

One of the types of attacks on human life and health are crimes in the field of supply and trade of medicines and medical equipment, as well as in the field of ensuring the proper operation of medical equipment. Their social danger is undeniable, and therefore a system of effective protection against these crimes is important for society, the state and each individual. One aspect of this protection is the effective investigation of these crimes. The purpose of the study is to formulate the basics of a forensic methodology, the use of which is able to optimize the investigation of each specific crime of the type in question. Materials and methods. The research used such general scientific methods as formal-logical (induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis), as well as special ones: the method of forensic modeling of investigative situations and system-activity. The material the article is based on is the analysis of expert assessments, as well as the generalization of the practice of investigative authorities. The results of the study. The article analyzes the specifics of investigating crimes in the supply and trade of medicines and medical equipment, as well as in the field of ensuring the proper operation of medical equipment. Attention is drawn to the fact that the foundations for the success of the investigation are laid at the pre-investigation stage – at the preparatory stage for the investigation. This stage is characterized by the identification and accumulation of information about the crime committed. The prospect of the entire investigation of these crimes largely depends on the quality of the search work done at the preparatory stage. In order to obtain sufficient information about the committed crime, it is important to interact between the investigator and employees of the bodies authorized to carry out operational investigative activities. It is also important to cooperate with the Federal Service for Supervision of Healthcare and its territorial authorities, thanks to which it is possible to attract special knowledge to establish the circumstances of the commission of crimes of this type. Conclusions. Although the preparatory stage is not part of the investigation, success in establishing the circumstances of crimes in the supply and trade of medicines and medical equipment, as well as in ensuring the proper operation of medical equipment and the involvement of specific persons in its commission largely depends on it. For this reason, the specifics of the situation that arises in its course should be given attention in the appropriate forensic methodology. Recommendations on actions to obtain the necessary information and identify traces should be an integral part of it.


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About authors

Semelev Vasily N.
Lecturer, Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, Middle Volga Institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia) in Saransk, Russia, Saransk (; )

Article link

Semelev V.N. Preparatory Stage for the Investigation of Crimes in the Field of Circulation of Medicines and Medical Devices [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2024. – №2. P. 99-109. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-2-99-109.