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Sidorov A.V., Tasakov S.V.
International cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking in a changed geopolitical situation
Keywords: narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, international cooperation, crime prevention, organized crime
Drug addiction of the world's population has remained a key threat to the security of any modern society and state over the past century. The problem of illicit drug trafficking is aggravated during periods of unstable international situation. This is evidenced by growing figures of the number of people involved in drug crimes and the number of crimes themselves. Due to the increase in crimes in the field of drug trafficking and due to their transnational nature, further development of cooperation between states is necessary. The purpose of the study is to analyze the international legal regulation of drug trafficking control, previously identified areas and implemented forms of cooperation, the study of Russia's criminal policy on this issue, the measures taken and approved means to combat drug trafficking, as well as development of new ways and directions of interaction with international partners–epicenters of drug trafficking to prevent drug traffickers from using the unstable situation in the world to expand its influence. Materials and methods. The main international acts developed and ratified by most countries of the world, Russian strategic documents, as well as official reports and statements from authorized bodies and organizations for the period from XX to XXI centuries are analyzed. In the process of studying the required information, a sociological method was used – the analysis of documents. In addition, the methodological basis of the study was made up of both general scientific and particular methods, but the advantage was given to the comparative legal method. Research results. Statistical data on the increase in the number of crimes in the field of drug trafficking are presented; a range of interrelated crimes is outlined; the experience of creating international unions to combat drug traffickers is analyzed. The problem of interrupting the investigation of large associations of drug traffickers and/or creating new groups on the basis of previously existing and formally liquidated ones, which are even more actively spreading information about access to drugs and flooding the market with their deadly goods, as a result of ruptured diplomatic relations between countries and terminated cooperation in the middle of the way, has been identified. Based on the study of positive experience in cooperation with the former members of the Soviet Union in this area, new areas of cooperation for the Russian Federation are proposed. Conclusions. Joint actions in the field of combating crime are important for international relations. They will ensure law and order both inside our country and in the world, as well as national and international security. Unification of the countries that were previously part of the USSR in order to counter drug crime will allow controlling the level of drug trafficking and even reducing it during the period of complicated relations with European representatives.
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About authors
- Sidorov Andrey V.
- 3rd year Student, Faculty of Law, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary; Attorney-at-Law, Moscow Bar Association «SED LEX», Russia, Moscow (Sidorov.msk.advokat@yandex.ru; )
- Tasakov Sergey V.
- Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for General Affairs, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (tasakov@mail.ru; )
Article link
Sidorov A.V., Tasakov S.V. International cooperation in the fight against drug trafficking in a changed geopolitical situation [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2024. – №4. P. 104-115. – URL: https://oecomia-et-jus.ru/en/single/2024/4/10/. DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-4-104-115.