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Ivanova L.

Ensuring competitiveness of life-sustaining industries under sanctions

Keywords: market structure, competitive environment, competitiveness, functionality, company's resources, capacity, demand, supply, price

Based on the analysis of the competitive environments, the author defines the industries that should have higher-priority in getting competitive advantages under conditions of sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation. The author also reveals and assesses the changes that occur in their market structure, as well as their competitive environment and the companies' resources. The article defines the role of modernization in using the current situation in competitive relations at the markets of life-sustaining industries. It is proved that the current changes create an opportunity to enhance the competitiveness of the companies working in the regarded industries and boost their manufacturing capacity. The author underlines that use of such opportunities combined with the available resources will speed up the economic growth of the country.


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  8. Tumalanov N.V., Tumalanov E.N., Ivanova L.A. Sovershenstvovanie otnoshenii konkurentsii i obmena v protsesse modernizatsii otraslei [Upgrading competition and trade relations in the course of industries modernization]. Proc. of 3rd Conf. «European Applied Sciences: modern approaches in scientific research». Stuttgart, 2013, pp. 120–122.

About authors

Ivanova Lyubov
economic theory department graduate student, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Ivanova L. Ensuring competitiveness of life-sustaining industries under sanctions [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2015. – №1. P. 15-23. – URL: