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Gurdzhiyan V.

Features of implementing economic functions by a court-appointed manager

Keywords: bankruptcy, insolvency, court-appointed manager, financial analysis in bankruptcy, evaluation of a corporate debtor, financial recovery strategy

The analysis of economic functions performed by court-appointed managers is carried out. The object of the research was the activity of insolvency officers appointed in the period from 2015 to 2017. The urgency of insolvency (bankruptcy) problem in the Russian Federation is determined. The article examines practical aspects in training court-appointed managers and identifies its main problems. Based on experience in implementing the program of training court-appointed managers, the author identifies such problems as low level of competence in economics and management, which is primarily conditioned by the program. After studying statutory literature, the list of court-appointed managers’ duties in the part of implementing their economic functions is determined. Problems in the field of performing a financial analysis are revealed. It is determined that financial analysis is not carried out to the full extent; problems in conducting financial analysis of a debtor-citizen are identified. The need for improving both regulatory and methodological framework for conducting a financial analysis is substantiated. The problems of revealing signs of fictitious and deliberate bankruptcy are described as well. Attention is paid to the problems of forming an external management plan, its key parameters are defined. After analyzing the activity of crisis enterprises’ managers, main managerial competencies required for court-appointed managers are identified.


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About authors

Gurdzhiyan Vladimir L.
Candidate of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor, Management and Marketing Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Gurdzhiyan V. Features of implementing economic functions by a court-appointed manager [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2018. – №1. P. 7-14. – URL: