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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2020-2-43-52

Fedorova N.V.

Reserves of Grain Production and their Use in Self-Sufficiency of a Region with Food

Keywords: resource and production capacity, grain production, reserves of a grain field, expanded reproduction, the coefficient of food security, a region

The article deals with the problems of improving the efficiency of arable farming and grain production in agriculture of the Volga Federal district regions. The influence of resource availability of arable farming on the efficient functioning of the production potential of the grain subcomplex is substantiated. The reasons for a relatively low productivity of the grain field in a particular region – the Chuvash Republic – are identified. Based on the analysis of production data of agricultural organizations, the possibility of using agricultural reserves in improving the efficiency of the grain sector and livestock in the region under study is justified. The level of self-sufficiency of the region with food was determined depending on the scale of grain production per capita per year. It is proved that in the Republic, the scale effect should be achieved through the use of fertilizers, saturation of production with high-performance agricultural machinery, introduction of abandoned old-arable land into economic circulation. The study has confirmed that there is no bad land, but there are bad owners who use production reserves insufficiently. Main provisions: current level of grain farming development can be expressed in three levels of self-sufficiency of the region with grain in kilograms per year per capita: safe, threshold, and dangerous; managing implementation of measures aimed at ensuring a safe provision of regions with grain provides for the extensive use of arable farming reserves and improving saturation of the grain area with fertilizers; regulatory provisioning for the industry with high-performance agricultural machinery, involving abandoned long-arable lands in the economic turnover; reserves in the production management system perform two functions: contribute to the process of expanded reproduction of agricultural products and reduce grain loss at harvesting, decreasing the volume of lost profits; prospects for the grain subcomplex development suggest enhancement of livestock production scale on an intensive basis.


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About authors

Fedorova Natalya V.
Doctor of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow University of Finance and Law, Russia, Moscow (; )

Article link

Fedorova N.V. Reserves of Grain Production and their Use in Self-Sufficiency of a Region with Food [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2020. – №2. P. 43-52. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2020-2-43-52.