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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-2-43-53

Romanova O.A., Petrova N.V.

Analysis of the profit and profitability of an organization operating in the field of communications based on wired technologies

Keywords: profit, profitability, comparative analysis, statistical research method, financial results report, conclusions, recommendations

The purpose of this study is to conduct an economic analysis of the profit and profitability of an organization operating in the field of communications based on wired technologies, and to develop recommendations to improve the efficiency of its financial and economic activities in the nearest future. Materials and methods. Analytical calculations were carried out using the accounting (financial) statements of the organization under study using Dontsova–Nikiforova's methodology and Kadykov–Sayfulin–Sheremet model. The article uses the methods of statistical research of profit margin, including comparative analyzing the indicator of profitability of works, services in the context of the industry by the main type of economic activity 61.10 "Activities in the field of communication based on wired technologies", to which the object of research belongs. Results. Currently, there is a difficult economic situation in Russia, which negatively affects both the life and solvency of the population, as well as implementation of entrepreneurial activities of organizations, individual entrepreneurs, the self-employed, and persons engaged in private practice. In modern economic conditions, the main role in the system of economic indicators is played by the profit and profitability of the activities carried out by economic entities, which are closely interrelated. Conclusions. Profits formation and distribution in the course of the enterprise's activities require constant improving the methods of effective management of these processes and choosing correct management decisions on the part of management. Starting from 2021, under the influence of political, economic, social negative factors, the resonance of anti-covid state measures taken in 2020–2021, due to problems in the process of import substitution, a widespread introduction of digital technologies, communication activities based on wired technologies in the Chuvash Republic are experiencing a crisis. In this article, based on the economic analysis of profit and profitability, the authors developed recommendations in the field of changing the tax regime, expanding sales volumes, improving the skills of management personnel, etc., which will enable the organization to get out of the loss zone in the near future.


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About authors

Romanova Olga A.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Electronic Business, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:
Petrova Natalia V.
Master’s Program Student of the 2nd year of the Direction 38.04.01 «Economics», Economics Faculty, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Romanova O.A., Petrova N.V. Analysis of the profit and profitability of an organization operating in the field of communications based on wired technologies [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2023. – №2. P. 43-53. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-2-43-53.