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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-4-87-95

Tarakhchyan M.O.

Features of the subsequent and final stages of investigating extremist crimes committed by youth informal groups

Keywords: extremist crimes committed by youth informal groups, investigation, detecting, tactical tasks, investigative actions

It is traditional to treat the subsequent and final stages of investigating crimes as secondary ones. They are often considered as stages during which the paperwork is carried out and the evidence obtained is combined into a single system, formalized in an appropriate manner, and in some cases it is enhanced by additional investigative actions. This perception of investigatory stages it is not beyond the reach of reason to suggest and is based on the practice of investigating certain types of crimes. However, the approach to investigation based on such a perception is unacceptable for the investigation of extremist crimes committed by youth informal groups. This is due to the fact that youth informal groups are not limited to committing a single crime and continue their criminal activities even after criminal prosecution against their members. In view of this, at the subsequent stage, the investigator has to detect new crimes in which the relevant youth informal group is involved, as well as persons involved in it. In addition, at the next stage, it is necessary to actively overcome the counter-efforts of the youth informal group in establishing the truth. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of the subsequent and the final stages in investigating extremist crimes committed by youth informal groups and the ways to overcome them. Materials and methods. The research is based on the practice of investigating extremist crimes committed by youth informal groups. During its course, a set of methods was used: dialectics, deduction and induction, system-activity, forensic situationology. Study results. The complex of problems that the investigator faces when investigating extremist crimes committed by youth informal groups has been identified. Their analysis makes it possible to determine those tactical tasks, the solution of which is able to provide the investigator with evidence confirming the existence of circumstances constituting the committed crime and the involvement of relevant persons in it. Due to this, a set of investigative actions is determined that must be performed when solving an appropriate tactical task. Conclusions. The success of investigating extremist crimes committed by youth informal groups depends on thoroughness of investigative actions carried out by the investigator not only at the initial stage of the investigation, but at the subsequent and the final stages as well. That is why these stages of the investigation should be given attention when creating an appropriate forensic methodology.


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About authors

Tarakhchyan Maria P.
Applicant for the Academic Degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences, Department of Criminalistics, Saratov State Law Academy, Russia, Saratov (; )

Article link

Tarakhchyan M.O. Features of the subsequent and final stages of investigating extremist crimes committed by youth informal groups [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2023. – №4. P. 87-95. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-4-87-95.