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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-3-89-95

Maslova T.N.

Forms of interaction and coordination by the prosecutor of the process of ensuring the security of the individual in criminal procedure

Keywords: prosecutorial supervision, coordination and interaction, prosecutorial activities, security, evidentiary activities

Introduction. To date, the processes of interaction and coordination of the work of the law enforcement system as a type of state activity are an integral part of the implementation by the prosecutor of his powers in criminal proceedings. The prosecutor must be able to apply them in his activities, first of all, to ensure justice and protect the rights of citizens. However, due to the lack of a definition of these concepts in the legislation, there is uncertainty in their relationship. The issues of interaction of the prosecutor with participants in procedural and other activities in legal proceedings and the implementation of measures to coordinate the work of law enforcement agencies in order to ensure the security of the criminal process are considered. The correlation of the terms "interaction" and "coordination" of prosecutorial activity in criminal proceedings is shown. The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship between the concepts of "interaction" and "coordination" in criminal procedure and other activities from the position of the prosecutor aimed at ensuring the safety of participants in a criminal case. Materials and methods. The study was conducted using the general dialectical method of scientific knowledge, as well as system-structural, cognitive methods and techniques. Sources, various scientific positions regarding the content of the terms "interaction" and "coordination" are compared. Results. The features of the participation of the prosecutor in criminal procedural activities from the standpoint of his interaction and coordination of criminal proceedings as an active participant in the criminal process at all stages of legal proceedings are revealed. The interrelation of the concepts (terms) under consideration is established and the specificity of their manifestation in the activities of the prosecutor in a criminal case is shown. Arguments are given about the broader content of the relationship in relation to coordination as an integral part of it. Findings. Comparing both the concepts of "interaction" and "coordination", we believe that interaction is a broader concept in relation to coordination. Coordination is an integral, more narrowly focused form of interaction between the prosecutor and other participants in the criminal process. This activity of the prosecutor extends exclusively to law enforcement agencies, because it provides for the mandatory execution of instructions sent to them. While the prosecutor can interact with the victim, the accused, the expert, etc., he is not entitled to coordinate their actions, except in cases of violation of the rights and legitimate interests of other participants. Recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the role of the prosecutor in coordinating the process of ensuring the security of participants in criminal proceedings are proposed.


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About authors

Maslova Tatyana N.
Junior Co-Adviser of Justice, Senior Assistant to the Prosecutor of the Vakhitov District of Kazan, Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, Kazan (; )

Article link

Maslova T.N. Forms of interaction and coordination by the prosecutor of the process of ensuring the security of the individual in criminal procedure [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2023. – №3. P. 89-95. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-3-89-95.