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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-4-66-76

Ibragimova A.M.

The place of legal norms on appealing against actions (inaction) and decisions in the criminal procedure law of Russia: problem statement

Keywords: appealing against actions (inaction) and decisions, appeal in criminal proceedings, institute of appeal, legal relations in connection with criminal procedural appeal

The article examines the criminal procedural norms governing criminal procedural appeal in the aspect of the main scientific directions on the topic under study. The purpose of the study is to determine the essence and the place of the legal norms of appeal in the criminal procedure law, the specifics of legal relations regulated by them. Materials and methods. To achieve the purpose of the study, the method of materialistic dialectics, logical, systemic and structural methods were used. The empirical basis of the study was made up of court decisions and the results of research performed by other authors. Study results. The nature of the emerging links between the legal norms of appeal in the Russian criminal procedure legislation is analyzed, the features of legal relations regulated by them are investigated, their place in the sectoral subject of criminal procedure regulation is determined. The main scientific directions on the subject under consideration, in conjunction with the author's conclusions, made it possible to identify a relatively independent area of the law on the topic under study. Conclusions. The author comes to the conclusion on heterogeneity of the legal norms of appeal, on different conditions for realizing the right to a complaint, depending on the stage of criminal proceedings and the subject of law. In connection therewith, a different legal regulation of legal relations in connection with the criminal procedure appeal is inevitable. The results of the study give the opportunity to conclude that the issues of appeal are not limited in their legal regulation by one universal legal institution of the industry and represent a more complex set of norms having relative independence within the branch of criminal procedure law.


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About authors

Ibragimova Alisa M.
Senior Lecturer, Department of Fundamentals of Organization and Management in the Prosecutor's Office, Kazan Law Institute (branch) University of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Russia, Kazan (; ORCID:

Article link

Ibragimova A.M. The place of legal norms on appealing against actions (inaction) and decisions in the criminal procedure law of Russia: problem statement [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2023. – №4. P. 66-76. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-4-66-76.