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Doroshenko V.

Institutional risk management goodwill

Keywords: business reputation, communications, management, completion, values, brands, effectiveness

Modern society is gradually coming to the realization of the evolution of production, substantially in the form of a new quality – the «logic of Servicing». Such an evolution implies a shift of emphasis from production to IC use, with output at its consumption, with previous experience in future. As manufacturers are looking to reorganize their business, including the expense of horizontal diversification of related goods and services, their brands – and, therefore, their reputation – will become a more powerful tool in the struggle to win and retain (store-set) customers, so today services related to product development, guaranty quality, effective communication and supplies are beginning to be valued higher than actual production.


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About authors

Doroshenko Vitaly
graduate student, Belarusian University of Trade and Economics Consumer Cooperation, Belarus Republic, Gomel (; )

Article link

Doroshenko V. Institutional risk management goodwill [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2015. – №2. P. 1-8. – URL: