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Tumalanov N., Urusova I.

Realization of interests of the survival in the course of transformation of institutional systems

Keywords: interests of a survival, family, earth, institutional system, redistribution of resources

In article results of the analysis of evolution of interests of a survival are stated upon transition of various societies to new institutional system. It is proved that in each society realization of interests of a survival happens in own way, but there are general regularities. It is proved that social expenses from the point of view of survival are inevitable, though in one societies they high, and in others – below. It is established that transition to institutional system of market type, as a rule, originally worsens survival conditions, but subsequently each social group in own way adapts for new conditions. The general regularity of process of transition in all societies is redistribution of resources. In some of them the institutional system serving interests of redistribution is established for a long time. Such institutional system unstable and quite often leads to the large social conflicts as infringes upon interests of a survival of most of the population.


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About authors

Tumalanov Nikolay V.
Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor, Department of State and Municipal Administration and Regional Economy, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Urusova Irina N.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Research, Department of State and Municipal Administration and Regional Economy, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Tumalanov N., Urusova I. Realization of interests of the survival in the course of transformation of institutional systems [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2015. – №2. P. 27-37. – URL: