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A. Markelov, V. Salivarov

Criminal trial as evidentiary compromise upon termination of a criminal case or criminal prosecution in connection with criminal-legal sentencing in the form of a court fine

Keywords: the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, criminal procedure, evidence, compromise, a form, a court fine

The article examines a new institution of criminal case or criminal prosecution termination in connection with criminal-legal sentencing in the form of a court fine which is regarded as a procedural form of evidentiary compromise to resolve a conflict between its stakeholders. The specified criminal procedure institution is presented in the dynamic context of its new edition (not only from the text of the law, but from the point of view of its implementation in investigative and judicial practice as well).The paper states and justifies conceptual problematic provisions in implementation of the given institution as evidentiary compromise in the criminal process of Russia. At this the author gives proposals for the improvement of criminal procedural legislation and practice to ensure prompt resolution of criminal cases.


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About authors

Markelov Aleksandr
candidate of law, criminal law department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Salivarov Vyacheslav
criminal law department associate professor, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary )

Article link

A. Markelov, V. Salivarov Criminal trial as evidentiary compromise upon termination of a criminal case or criminal prosecution in connection with criminal-legal sentencing in the form of a court fine [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2016. – №4. P. 48-54. – URL: