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Vasileva I.

Territories having a special status in National Economic System

Keywords: special economic zone, territorial production complex, technology park

Setting special legal, organizational and economic regimes by the state in certain territories is used in many countries as an active means of regional policy. The main argument for their creation which is put forward by the government states that introduction of exceptions from general legal, institutional, economic space is to be compensated by essential benefits both for respective territories, and for the entire national economy. In the system of world economic relations territories having a special status are considered to be a factor of accelerated economic growth due to activization of international commodity turnover, investments mobilization, exchange of technologies, information and integration economic processe deepening. The article reflects the main issues in creating and functioning of special economic zones, clusters and territorial production complexes. Assessment of positive and negative sides in creation of such territories is carried out. The conclusion is drawn on advantage of technopolises and technology parks over other special territories.


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About authors

Vasileva Inessa A.
Senior Lecturer, Department of State and Municipal Administration and Regional Economy, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Vasileva I. Territories having a special status in National Economic System [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2018. – №1. P. 1-6. – URL: