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Petrov A.

Activity of Prosecutor's office on legal education as a means for preventing offenses against the laws and crimes

Keywords: prosecutor's office, legal education, prevention of crimes and offenses against the laws, the Federal law « On the basics of the system for preventing offenses against the laws in the Russian Federation», powers

Today, the state pays much attention to the issues of preventing offences against the laws and crimes. The means of prevention developed by science and practice are quite extensive. One of the most important types of preventive treatment is legal education. It is impossible to enforce laws and improve the state of legality as a whole in general legal illiteracy, which entails, on the one hand, committing offenses against the laws and, in some cases, crimes, by citizens themselves due to elementary ignorance of laws, on the other hand – to the possibility of unpunished violation of the law by unconscientious subjects of law enforcement (executive officers of state power authorities and local self-government, subjects of entrepreneurial activity and other persons whose activities are somehow related to implementation of citizens’ rights), using legal illiteracy of the population in mercenary or other personal purposes. Another aspect of this problem is negative attitude to the law, lack of internal incentives for law-abiding behavior, and therefore there arises the need to perform educational function in the framework of ongoing work on legal education. In this regard, legal education should be considered as one of effective tools for preventing offenses against the laws and crimes. An important role in legal education belongs to prosecution authorities. Alongside with that, statutory regulation currently in force including the Federal Law dated the 23rd of June 2016 № 182-FZ « On the basics of the system for preventing offenses against the laws in the Russian Federation» is imperfect in terms of the place and the role of public prosecutor's office in the system of preventing offenses against the laws. The article examines some aspects of prosecutorial activity on legal education as a tool for preventing offenses against the laws and crimes. Attention is drawn to the gaps in the legislative regulation concerning participation of prosecutors in legal education, considered as a means of preventing offenses against the laws and crimes.


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About authors

Petrov Albert
deputy prosecutor, Prosecutor's office, the city of Novocheboksarsk of the Chuvash Republic, Russia, Novocheboksarsk (; )

Article link

Petrov A. Activity of Prosecutor’s office on legal education as a means for preventing offenses against the laws and crimes [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2018. – №3. P. 48-62. – URL: