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Shchegoleva E.

Approaches to Improving Business Processes in an Enterprise

Keywords: business process, management process, benchmarking, engineering, reengineering, process improvement, modernization, efficiency.

A well-organized program of improving business processes can give an enterprise a lot of significant results, moreover, the process approach makes it possible not formally, but actually improve its performance. The article analyzes the approaches to improving business processes in the enterprise, highlights the main shortcomings of the methods that were used in the 80-90-ies of the 20th century. Modern approaches to the organizing process management at enterprises are considered, among which benchmarking, redesigning, engineering, process reengineering, methods of rapid analysis of solutions (FAST) are examined. Methods of improving business processes are chosen depending on what issues are facing the reformers. FAST or benchmarking makes it possible to quickly eliminate individual errors, redesign and engineering are used for a deep and comprehensive analysis of the situation, more complex and slower reforms. Reengineering is an even a more complex approach that can be called revolutionary. Despite the variety of approaches, common characteristics of different methods are identified, which is reflected in the requirements for improving processes in modern conditions.


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About authors

Shchegoleva Ella N.
Candidate of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of State and Municipal Management and Regional Economy, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Shchegoleva E. Approaches to Improving Business Processes in an Enterprise [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2019. – №3. P. 32-37. – URL: