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Semenova I.

Comparative Historical and Legal Analysis of Russian Family Law Institutions and LEGAL Family of Anglo-Saxon Countries

Keywords: Russian marriage and family law, the field of marriage and family in the countries of precedent law, the rights and obligations of spouses, the conditions and procedure for payment of alimony, the problem of maintenance recovery, protection of spouses' rights in the Russian Federation and in the Anglo-Saxon legal family, Russian judicial family practice, the activities of family courts in foreign countries

The article is devoted to examining some institutions of marriage and family legislation of the Russian Federation and in the countries of the Anglo-Saxon legal family, the relevance of which in the context of modern globalization issues is not in doubt. The author analyzes the basic principles of marriage institutions, the legal status of spouses, as well as the issues of alimony recovery for parents and children, spouses and former spouses, as well as other family members. A particular attention is paid to the existing Russian and foreign judicial precedent practice for resolving family disputes. The family legislation of Russia, the USA and England is examined in the comparative aspect. According to the results of the historical and legal comparative study, it is concluded that, despite the fact that the Russian Federation belongs to the countries of the Romano-German legal family, there are similar rules of family law with the countries of precedent law. The indicated sphere of public relations needs further research.


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About authors

Semenova Inna Yu.
Senior Teacher of Civil Legal Disciplines Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Semenova I. Comparative Historical and Legal Analysis of Russian Family Law Institutions and LEGAL Family of Anglo-Saxon Countries [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2019. – №3. P. 47-54. – URL: