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Kuzmin Yuriy A.

Category "Personality" in the Legal Theory (Socio-Legal and Philosophical Aspects)

Keywords: legal theory, a human being, an individual, a personality, a society, morality, responsibility, freedom, honor, dignity, will

The problem of defining the category "personality" in the socio-legal and philosophical aspects is updated. The relevance of issues related to the social and legal characteristics of a personality is substantiated through the qualities and properties that a person acquires in the course of education, self-education, and social relationships. It is pointed out that the basic characteristics of a personality include its place in the system of social relations, its social roles and its orientation, i.e. its own system of needs, interests, knowledge, views, and beliefs that form the motive of individual behavior. The category "personality" characterizes the social and socio-legal nature of a human being. A personality's mind and responsibility are closely related. The moral responsibility of an individual follows from all his relations with society, from the relations of human being to another. The political responsibility of an individual requires his active participation in the political life of the country. Will is of great importance in human life. There is an inextricable continuity between a person's liberty and responsibility. An individual has honor and dignity. The category "personality" has a basic meaning in the law. A personality is the owner of rights, freedoms, and responsibilities. The relevance of the topic is caused by the fact that in the conditions of Russian reality, the construction of a law-bound state and a developed civil society is possible only if a free person acts as a hegemon, a person who is able to create legal and social institutions thanks to his intellectual, legal and social activities, improve his individual and socio-legal traits, and thus improve himself.


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About authors

Kuzmin Yury A.
Senior Lecturer of Criminal Law Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Kuzmin Yuriy A. Category “Personality” in the Legal Theory (Socio-Legal and Philosophical Aspects) [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2020. – №1. P. 46-53. – URL: