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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2022-1-83-93

Efimtseva T.V., Aliturliev A.S.

State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activity: Methods and their Legal Essence

Keywords: foreign trade, state regulation, foreign trade policy, methods, customs tariff, customs duty, non-tariff measures, licensing, quantitative restrictions, export control, protective measures

The authors carried out the analysis of current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Economic Union, the practice of its application, the literature on the issue of state regulation of foreign trade activities. The concept of state regulation of foreign trade is given, the classification of these regulatory methods into types according to various criteria is presented. The Russian legislation contains an exhaustive list of methods for state regulation of foreign trade. However, application of specific methods depends on the type of goods. In connection therewith, the content of some of the most commonly used methods for state regulating foreign trade activity in practice is disclosed. At this, preference is given to the methods of customs tariff regulation, which include the customs tariff and customs duties. The relevance of the topic of state regulation of foreign trade is caused by the fact that foreign trade activity is currently becoming more and more colossal and covers all regions of the world, and therefore legal regulation of foreign trade is acquiring important socio-economic and sometimes political significance. So, in In January-August 2021, according to the data from the Bank of Russia, Russia's foreign trade turnover amounted to $492 billion dollars (137.8% by January-August 2020), including exports – $299 billion (144%), imports – $193 billion (129.2%). The trade balance remained positive, 106 billion US dollars (in January-August 2020 – positive, 58.3 billion dollars). Using the methods of observation, analysis, synthesis, comparison, interpretation of norms and others, the results were obtained that allow us to draw the following conclusions. When forming a foreign trade policy, the state needs to assess the regulatory impact on foreign trade in order to respond promptly to rapidly changing conditions in foreign markets functioning. Taking into account that the methods of state regulation of foreign trade activities are not systematized in the legislation, it is necessary to refer to the doctrine in which there is a classification of such methods into types. In addition, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that different methods of state regulation are applied to foreign trade in different goods.


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About authors

Efimtseva Tatyana V.
Doctor in Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Business and Natural Resource Law, Orenburg Institute (Branch) of the Moscow State Law University named after O.E. Kutafin (MSLA); Professor, Department of Civil Law and Process, Orenburg State University, Russia, Orenburg (; ORCID:
Aliturliev Aslan S.
Post-Graduate Student, Civil Law and Process Department, Orenburg State University, Russia, Orenburg (; )

Article link

Efimtseva T.V., Aliturliev A.S. State Regulation of Foreign Trade Activity: Methods and their Legal Essence [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2022. – №1. P. 83-93. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2022-1-83-93.