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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2022-3-47-54

Kuzmin Yu.A.

Prevention of Telephone Fraud (criminological aspect)

Keywords: criminology, criminality, fraud, telephone fraud, prevention of telephone fraud

The problems of committing fraud using telephone communication are updated. The relevance of issues related to the prevention of telephone fraud, first and foremost caller ID spoofing and phishing, is substantiated. The article analyzes the methods of preventing telephone fraud, such as the possibility of establishing the number of fraudsters through electronic search services, special free services, Viber and WhatsApp messengers, Sberbank Online, caller ID for incoming calls on "Avito" and "Yula", through applications for iPhone and Android, caller ID from "Kaspersky Lab" – Kaspersky Who Calls, through the Internet search engine "Yandex" and other applications. It is recommended to use the methods of victimologic counter-strategy in relation to telephone fakers, such as psychological self-defense, criticality (prudence) in their own actions (mainly those of a financial nature), safe behavior in a non-standard situation, a critical level of trust, awareness of possible risks. It is necessary to take precautions not to become a victim of telephone fraud, not to lose self-control and vigilance, to use all opportunities to check the source of telephone fraud, to report such cases to law enforcement agencies. Personal interest in maintaining personal security, the desire for self-defense and timely informing law enforcement agencies will become an obstacle to the spread of telephone fraud.


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About authors

Kuzmin Yury A.
Senior Lecturer of Criminal Law Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:

Article link

Kuzmin Yu.A. Prevention of Telephone Fraud (criminological aspect) [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2022. – №3. P. 47-54. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2022-3-47-54.