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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-2-86-93

Kunts E.V.

Scientific substantiation of the problem of juvenile convicts serving sentences in educational colonies

Keywords: juvenile correctional facility, imprisonment, punishment, minor, convict, crime

The purpose of the study is a comprehensive scientific substantiation of the problem of minors sentenced to imprisonment and their correction. Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the research is a set of techniques and methods of cognition of this social life phenomenon. This methodology enabled us to examine the features of serving a sentence in the form of liberty deprivation by minors as a phenomenon, its social and historical aspects. In determining the methods of scientific research, the basis was made by the relationship and interdependence of social, criminological, psychological, economic, legal, organizational effectiveness factors in effective protecting the safety of the under-age convicted during the period of serving a sentence of imprisonment in a juvenile correctional facility. Results. The decrease in the rates of crimes committed by minors was facilitated by the activities of law enforcement agencies to prevent illegal behavior and to protect the youth environment from criminalization. All crimes for which minors are serving sentences in the form of imprisonment were committed with direct or indirect intent, a significant part of which are violent and mercenary crimes. Conclusions. There is a significant deterioration in some characteristics of the convicted minors serving sentences, for example, according to such an indicator as the severity of the crime committed. An increase in the number of female and male minors serving sentences for extremely serious crimes is noted, which is explained by contradictions in the development of modern society, the nature of moral formation of personality, increased tension in society, as well as changes in the direction of increasing public danger of female minors in the structure of crime.


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About authors

Kunts Elena V.
Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor, Leading Researcher, Department for the Development of Methodologies for Execution of Sentences Associated with Deprivation of Liberty and the Study of Penitentiary Crime, Center for Research on Security Problems in the Institutions of the Penitentiary System, Federal State Institution Research Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Russia, Moscow (; ORCID:

Article link

Kunts E.V. Scientific substantiation of the problem of juvenile convicts serving sentences in educational colonies [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2023. – №2. P. 86-93. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-2-86-93.