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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-4-1-11

Antonovskaya E.A., Lavrentieva S.V.

The problem of motivation in civil servants in the Russian Federation

Keywords: motivation, motivation of work activities of civil servants, civil servant, civil service, remuneration

Currently, the civil service is receding into the background in the opinion of promising qualified personnel due to a large number of restrictions and low wages, in this regard, there is an outflow of employees from the civil service to the commercial sector, where wages are much higher. This problem requires a lot of attention, since it is the professionalism of the state apparatus staff that will determine the effectiveness of their activities, which will directly affect the socio-economic development of the state. The purpose of the study is to develop recommendations to improve the ways of motivating civil servants in Russia based on the analysis of the Russian motivation system and foreign experience in stimulating civil servants. Materials and methods. The work used analytical and expert methods, comparative legal analysis, generalization of Russian and foreign experience in stimulating the work of civil servants. Materials of legislative acts, scientific literature, and expert publications were used in the study of the incentive system. Study results. The article analyzes material and non-material methods of motivating civil servants, it examines the reform carried out in the Russian Federation in the field of monetary maintenance of civil servants. The salary structure of civil servants in foreign countries and in the Russian Federation is analyzed, the possibility of introducing a similar foreign system into the Russian public sector wage system is considered. Reforming the remuneration system is important in motivating civil servants; therefore, at the state level the work is underway to improve the salaries of civil servants. To date, the basis for reforming the monetary maintenance of civil servants is made by an increase in the fixed part in their salary structure, while financing the increase in the fixed part will be carried out at the expense of budgetary funds. In general, according to experts, this should revitalize the personnel in the civil service of the Russian Federation, which will increase the efficiency of public administration and stimulate the human resources potential in public authorities. Problems in the system of motivation of civil servants of the Russian Federation were also identified and mechanisms were developed to help solve them. Conclusions. The article proposes measures to improve the methods of motivating civil servants used in Russia, which can affect the quality and efficiency of their work, and the analysis of mutual influence of the proposed incentive methods will make the management process in a public authority more effective, this should lead to increased motivation and involvement of civil servants in order to retain them in public service.


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About authors

Antonovskaya Elena A.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of State and Municipal Administration and Regional Economics, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; ORCID:
Lavrentieva Svetlana V.
3rd year Student, Economics Faculty, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Antonovskaya E.A., Lavrentieva S.V. The problem of motivation in civil servants in the Russian Federation [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2023. – №4. P. 1-11. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2023-4-1-11.