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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-1-1-9

Babeshkova E.V., Zhamkova T.G.

The Process of Evaluating an Employee from Managerial Point of View

Keywords: assessment, personnel, personnel policy, motivation, qualitative composition of personnel, competencies, criteria, directions, methods

The goal of any organization is to obtain the desired result, which can be achieved with the help of proper motivation and actions of employees. The evaluation of personnel in the organization in modern conditions is becoming increasingly relevant. The effectiveness of achieving the goals of the organization directly depends on the personnel potential, personnel policy and the quality of the staff. Regular assessment of the staff contributes to creating an effective working structure, motivating employees, and increasing their productivity. The purpose of the study is to identify the characteristic features of the personnel evaluation process in organizations of the Chuvash Republic. Materials and methods. The methods of analysis of scientific papers, survey and assessment of competencies are applied in the paper. The sample of companies to achieve the research goal was implemented stochastically among small and medium-sized enterprises and organizations of the Chuvash Republic real sector of the economy. It accounted 40 small and medium-sized businesses. Results. The authors analyze the practice of personnel evaluation at various stages of personnel policy implementation in enterprises and organizations included in the sample. The study revealed that the nature, procedure, tools and frequency of evaluation depend on the size of the organization, the position of the head and the company's personnel policy. In general, a properly organized assessment of employees in a company can become a powerful tool for personnel management, contributing to improving the efficiency of the company and achieving its goals. Conclusions. The evaluation of personnel in all areas, the choice of evaluation criteria and the evaluation procedures depend on the size of the organization, the position of the manager and the company's personnel policy. In large organizations, personnel assessment is regularly carried out as part of the organizational culture. In such organizations, there are job profiles, an active personnel policy, and understanding on the part of managers of the need for personnel evaluation.


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About authors

Babeshkova Ekaterina V.
Senior Lecturer, Management and Marketing Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Zhamkova Tatyana G.
Senior Lecturer, Management and Marketing Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Babeshkova E.V., Zhamkova T.G. The Process of Evaluating an Employee from Managerial Point of View [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2024. – №1. P. 1-9. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-1-1-9.