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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-1-46-58

Goncharova N.N.

Extradition: Directions of Development

Keywords: extradition, extradition procedure, international agreement, balance in the law of extradition, legal assistance

The study of one of the basic institutions of criminal law and international criminal law is aimed at creating a system of approaches to the development of existing law that can lead to the development of a universal approach to providing legal assistance. The purpose of the study is to determine the directions of the development of the law for providing legal assistance under the extradition process. Materials and methods. The method of analyzing sources of law made it possible to identify weaknesses when carrying out the extradition; the comparison method revealed a divergence in norms relating to the basis for extradition, which gives a forecast for solving a number of problems for both parties of the mechanism under study. Research results. The practical application of extradition rules makes it possible to achieve the desired result, but the desired effect is achieved through large and unreasonable efforts of both parties with a large bureaucratic toolkit, which leads to the idea of optimizing a number of processes. Conclusions. The institution of extradition should be considered as a flexible tool of legal assistance that allows solving the problems of justice in the spirit of the current principles of humanity and legality. The creation of an international instrument of a universal nature can fill gaps in the law and lead to a uniform extradition mechanism at the bilateral level. Due to current political international processes, the formation of such a document seems appropriate.


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About authors

Goncharova Natalia N.
Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International and European Law, Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEML), Russia, Kazan (; ORCID:

Article link

Goncharova N.N. Extradition: Directions of Development [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2024. – №1. P. 46-58. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-1-46-58.