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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-2-110-119

Filetkin P.D.

Methodological Features of the Investigation of Crimes Against Labor Rights of Citizens

Keywords: investigation methodology, crimes, labor rights, investigative actions, tactics, tactical techniques

One of the means of protecting the labor rights of citizens is the inevitability of punishment for criminal encroachments on them. The inevitability of punishment is ensured, among other things, by an effective investigation of each such attack. But this requires an effective technique, the use of which can guarantee the establishment of the truth. Therefore, the improvement of such a technique is one of the important tasks facing criminology. The purpose of the study is to identify those features in the investigation of crimes against the labor rights of citizens, the knowledge of which can protect the investigator from making mistakes and guarantee full knowledge of what has been done, which ensures the adoption of a fair procedural decision. Materials and methods. The research was conducted using both general scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and special methods (modeling of investigative situations, system-activity). The results of the study. In the course of the conducted research, it was found that the signs of crimes against the labor rights of citizens are of methodological importance for the investigation. Taking into account their peculiarities, the investigator builds his activities already at the stage of initiating a criminal case. At the same time, one of the key tasks of the initial stage of the investigation is to identify and obtain documents as evidence that allow making an unambiguous conclusion about committing a crime and the persons involved in it. Conclusions. The foregoing allows us to conclude that all crimes against the labor rights of citizens are characterized by the presence of the same criminally significant features. This implies that all these crimes are characterized by certain similar circumstances which must be taken into account both during the ongoing investigation and during the proving. Therefore, the methodology for investigating these crimes should include separate recommendations, following which can ensure success in investigating each specific crime against the labor rights of citizens. One of these recommendations is the formulation and solution of the task of identifying and attaching documents to the criminal case that unambiguously allow the investigator to conclude that the committed act is a crime and specific persons are guilty.


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About authors

Filetkin Pavel D.
Post-Graduate Student, Department of Criminal Law and Procedure, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Russia, Saransk (; )

Article link

Filetkin P.D. Methodological Features of the Investigation of Crimes Against Labor Rights of Citizens [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2024. – №2. P. 110-119. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-2-110-119.