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Tasakov V.

Historical and legal analysis of domestic statutory provisions on mitigating circumstances in the national penal law: pre-revolutionary period

Keywords: penal law, criminal law, crime, mitigation of punishment, mitigation of liability to prosecution, mitigation of guilt, the Russian Truth, Criminal code, Cathedral code, Military articles

Relevance of the theme arises from actual lack of research which would be entirely devoted to the analysis of development and rise of mitigating circumstances institute in the period from 1016 till 1917. The main historical periods of acceptance and validity of Russian law monuments are examined; legal regulation in their content of circumstances that influenced the decrease of criminal punishment is analyzed. Russian legislation legal sources of the pre-revolutionary period as well as scientific publications devoted to the subject were used. The system of main timeframe validity periods of Russian law monuments establishing prescription of taking into consideration mitigating circumstances in the process of making decisions on guiltiness and criminal sentencing is obtained. For the first time ever a comparative analysis of Russian law source materials which are governed by mitigating circumstances institute in the criminal law on the basis of modern scientific publications and their mappings was carried out.


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About authors

Tasakov Vladimir
criminal law department graduate student, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )

Article link

Tasakov V. Historical and legal analysis of domestic statutory provisions on mitigating circumstances in the national penal law: pre-revolutionary period [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2017. – №1. P. 39-48. – URL: