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Blinov V., Blinova V.

Correlation of public and private principles in business law Institutions

Keywords: convergence of private and public law, public-private partnership, securities market regulation

This article considers issues of correlation between public law and private law relations using the example of business law institutions. The authors set the task of researching doctrinal views on criteria for distinguishing private-law and public-law relations, the trends of their interaction and specific features of convergence in private and public law in the sphere of regulating entrepreneurial relations. The authors made critical comments on the legislator’s qualification the agreement on public-private partnership exclusively as a civil-law treaty. This is due to the fact that in business law public interests are secured not only by restrictive measures, but by stimulative measures rendered by the state as well. Using the example of legal regulation in securities market, the principle of the state’s non-interference in private affairs of an entrepreneur without sufficient grounds, the principle of proportionality in applying state restrictions on private interests of an entrepreneur and the principle of full compensation for damage caused by public entities are justified.


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About authors

Blinov Vladimir G.
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of Civil Disciplines Department, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (; )
Blinova Viktoriya V.
Master’s Program Student, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia, Moscow )

Article link

Blinov V., Blinova V. Correlation of public and private principles in business law Institutions [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2018. – №1. P. 42-53. – URL: