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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2022-3-60-66

Rozenko S.V.

Preventing the Spread of Terrorist Ideology in the Russian Public Consciousness

Keywords: information security, laughter, counteraction, terrorist ideology, public consciousness

The article deals with the problem of developing terrorist ideology prevention in the public consciousness in the Russian Federation with the help of non-traditional means of countering the spread of terrorist ideology. The research methods were: critical analysis, historical and legal, content analysis, systemic, sociological, comparative legal ones. The content and features of new terrorist ideologies prevention in the public consciousness in the Russian Federation are analyzed. On a separate basis, the public danger of terrorist threats from Ukraine is noted. It is substantiated that the means of criminal and administrative legal counteraction to terrorist activities used by the state need to be supplemented by public influence. The article presents the tasks that are solved by ideologists and organizers of terrorist activities through the use of the Internet as a technological tool for disseminating destructive information. The features of preventing in the public consciousness the consequences of implementing the terrorist threat created and functioning with the support of individual states are revealed. The author substantiates the need to create and develop a "laughing culture" in the Russian public consciousness as a means of anti-terrorist prevention. The article suggests the need to form mechanisms of "laughter protection" from terrorist activities in the public consciousness.


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About authors

Rozenko Stanislav V.
Candidate of Law Sciences, Head of the Higher School of Law, Yugra State University, Russia, Khanty-Mansyisk (; ORCID:

Article link

Rozenko S.V. Preventing the Spread of Terrorist Ideology in the Russian Public Consciousness [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2022. – №3. P. 60-66. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2022-3-60-66.