UDC: [336.2:330.564]:316.344.233
BBC: У261.4-93-21:С524.41
Gordeeva I.A.
As a Means of Overcoming Social Inequality and Poverty
Keywords: inequality, poverty, poverty level, income distribution between the rich and the poor, social justice, well-being of the population, low-income citizens
In the modern world, social inequality and poverty are one of the main problems faced by many countries, including Russia. Despite the reduction in poverty in Russia by the end of 2023, it still remains high, although it has reached its lowest level in recent years. There are many causes of inequality and poverty, and one of the ways to combat these phenomena in Russia is to increase the efficiency of income distribution. Income distribution in the society plays a key role in shaping social justice and well-being. The uneven distribution of income results in an increase in the gap between the rich and the poor, which eventually causes social tension and instability. The purpose of the paper is to study the income distribution of the Russian population in order to further reduce social inequality and overcome poverty, as well as propose specific mechanisms and strategies for optimizing distribution policy. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the development of measures aimed at reducing the level of social inequality and poverty of the population. Materials and methods. The main materials used for writing the paper were data from periodicals, scientific articles, statistical data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, and Internet sources. The following research methods were applied: analysis, observation, comparison, and statistical methods. The results of the study. This paper considers the issues of social inequality of the population and poverty, gives their definitions from the point of view of individual researchers, and also presents the author`s own point of view on this issue. The main causes that influence the spread of inequality and poverty in Russia are also identified. Based on statistical data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation, the poverty level in Russia for 2000–2023 was analyzed and the poorest regions of our country were identified. To overcome inequality and poverty, a comprehensive approach has been proposed, which should focus on improving the efficiency of income distribution. Conclusions. By the end of 2023, the poverty level in Russia had reached a historical minimum in recent decades. Thanks to targeted support for less well-off groups of the population, it was possible to reduce the differentiation of the population by income level. Despite the decrease in poverty in Russia as a whole, in some regions its level remains high due to their territorial location and low level of education. It should also be noted that the causes of poverty in the country are unfair tax policy, insufficient or ineffective redistribution of income through the state budget, and demographic changes. Improving the efficiency of income distribution plays a key role in combating social inequality and poverty. The revision of tax policy, effective social support for the population, as well as the development of small and medium-sized businesses and the creation of new jobs will contribute to additional poverty reduction and a more equal distribution of income. All these measures together can ensure a more sustainable and equitable development of the society.
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About authors
- Gordeeva Irina A.
- Senior Lecturer, Department of Finance, Credit and Economic Security, Chuvash State University, Russia, Cheboksary (gia605@mail.ru; )
Article link
Gordeeva I.A. As a Means of Overcoming Social Inequality and Poverty [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2024. – №3. P. 25-31. – URL: https://oecomia-et-jus.ru/en/single/2024/3/3/. DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-3-25-31.