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DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-2-91-98

Mishin A.V

Private Criminalistic Theory of Ensuring the Safety of Participants in Criminal Proceedings: Basic Concepts of Structural Elements and Functions

Keywords: criminal proceedings, criminalistics, security, private theory, basic concepts, functions of theory, protected persons

The absence of criminalistic aspects in the segment of ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings causes certain problems in the practical activities of persons conducting proceedings in cases related to the implementation of post-criminal unlawful influence, which explains the need to build basic theoretical provisions of criminalistic security of these participants in the form of a private criminalistic theory. In this regard, it becomes relevant to disclose the basic concepts and functions of the private criminalistic theory of ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings, the uniform interpretation of which is an important condition for understanding and using knowledge of this theory in the criminalistic activities of criminal prosecution and court authorities, since such concepts and functions reveal its subject area and basic scientific provisions. The purpose of the study is the scientific development of the basic concepts and categories of the private criminalistic theory of ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings, as well as the disclosure of its functions as system-forming elements of this theory. Materials and methods. The study was conducted using the general dialectical method of scientific cognition. In addition, system-structural, formal-logical and cognitive methods were used. The information base of the conducted research was the conceptual provisions of the general theory of criminology and individual private criminalistic theories, as well as the works of scientists in the field of philosophy, psychology, criminal law, criminal procedure and other materials related to the purpose of the study. Research results. The article defines the scientific concept from a philosophical point of view, reveals the meaning of criminalistic theory and its terminology, substantiates the need to use specific terms, concepts and categories when formulating the conceptual foundations of private criminalistic theory. The system-forming concepts of the private criminalistic theory of ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings, its main functions are highlighted and disclosed, and the potential for their use in the system of criminology is determined. Conclusions. The specific concepts and functions of the private criminalistic theory of ensuring the safety of participants in criminal proceedings, which are system-forming elements in the construction of this theory, are identified and formulated. These concepts and functions can be used to further improve knowledge of related private forensic theories.


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About authors

Mishin Andrey V.
Candidate of Law Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Russia, Kazan (; ORCID:

Article link

Mishin A.V Private Criminalistic Theory of Ensuring the Safety of Participants in Criminal Proceedings: Basic Concepts of Structural Elements and Functions [Electronic resource] // Oeconomia et Jus. – 2024. – №2. P. 91-98. – URL: DOI: 10.47026/2499-9636-2024-2-91-98.